🧾 Job description

🙂 Recruitment process

To assess: Seniority level, Fit, Salary, Availability

To assess: Resolution process to a problem, Fit, knowledge of the industry, knowledge of the Success “métier”

To assess: data analysis, recommendation, insight

To assess: fit, drivers, shotgun values

📚 Case study

1. Feature presentation: how would you introduce the reward program to organizers?

Customer Success Manager - Case Study v1.pdf

Customer Success Manager - Case Study v2.pdf

👆 we amended the assignment in the v2 version because from Baptiste & Charlotte case study they “only” imagined an email / presentation to introduce the feature to the organiser, without

We created a dedicated Case Study for Simon who is an organizer: how, from real data would you draw insight and do a recommendation to the Name festival (we anonymized the data).